Here is the latest win picture of Lola with her new handler and friend Lindsay spitznogle. Lindsay said it may have not been the best picture cause there was noise like mad all round were they were taking pictures, but I still thought it was nice!!!! Lola won her last two single points, so one more 3pt major and that will finish her.
We are so proud to tell everyone that on July 12, 2009. our beautiful girl Lola, "Belaire's Little Bit Country" went to West Virginia with her new friend, Lindsay Spitznogle of Anistar Shelties and came home with 2 more points, Winners Bitch and Best Of Winners. The judge was Dr Richard Greathouse. This was Lindsay and Lola's first outing together and they really clicked and looked so great together. We Thank Lindsay for her great handling job!!
Also...we are proud to announce that our Gracie, "Winmar Belaire Bi Grace" is now co-owned with Elizabeth Brinkley of Dante Shelties. Gracie was leased to Elizabeth and had a beautiful litter sired by AM/CAN CH Apple Acres Expedition ROM/ROMC and is the mother of Elizabeth's Rocket and her and Judy Cooper's Sophie. Elizabeth really wanted Gracie to finish so we decided to share her with Elizabeth. We knew that she would really get her out and show her. This is an exciting move for Gracie.
PICTURES.....Sable and White Sheltie is "Lola" Bi Blue Sheltie is "Gracie"
It was so hard to believe, but only after 6 months, my second hard drive decided to crash and along with it went every bit of information, pictures etc that I have collected in the last 20 years or so of being on the computer. Did I back up everything....NO. All my email addresses etc were gone.Thanks to friends who sent me things I would have sent them or needed, I am now just beginning to get somethings going again. A lesson well learned believe me.My good friend Val, sent me the Easter Card I sent out this year of the last Corgi litter I may ever have for a long time if not all together. It was another C-section and we lost 3 puppies right away. But we were blessed with the two sweetest most loving puppies I think I have ever had. One male and one female. The male a "fluffy" and also was a "swimmer" puppy and the other a little girl. Their names were "Bogart" and "Hannah". Bogart being a Fluffy could not be shown and Hannah was so small and very tight coated, so our goal was to find great pet homes for them. Thanks to my dear friend Midge Ruscak we did!! Knowing what their mother Sienna went through and talking to our Vet we decided not to breed her again and she too went to a super home. Sometimes I wish we kept Bogart, fluffy or not. We no longer have any female Corgis, but might lease a nice girl to breed to our CH. Coaster one day.....who knows. I may have been in Shelties for almost 30 years now with my share of Sheltie puppies, but no puppy is cuter and more full of themselves then my Corgi puppies. So all my Sheltie friends can kill me..............hey it is the truth!!!!!!Enjoy my Easter Card with my beautiful Corgi babies:):) Oh, for those of you that don't know what a "swimmer puppy" is, it is one that can't get up on all 4 feet to walk and has a very flat chest from laying on it more then normal. We kept rolling him in our hands to help develope the roundness he needed in his chest for the flat chest can also cause suffication so it is something that you need to work with many times a day. Also, to help him get his feet under him, we bought bath matts with the texture of tall grass. It gave him something to dig his back feet into and once we did that, boy did he start moving. It was great. Before he left here at 10 weeks, you would have never known he was a swimmer. Chest was rounding out nicely and he ran as fast as 4 little Corgi feet would let him move. A good learning experience one I never encountered. With all my years in breeding dogs, you never know what is new to learn around the corner!!!!
What a wonderful day when our most special, most beautiful boy turned "15" years old. He is the most special dog in the world to us. He has accomplished so much in his life along with his Dad, Ken. JJ has made breed history twice by being the first Champion Sheltie to get an Rally Novice title and then again by being the first Champion to het his "Rally Advanced Excellent" title. I (Gloria) can never remember all his titles so I have to ask Ken what they are. His full name is "Am/Can. CH Tar-Ri Kylenes Country Pride Am/Can. CD, RAE, AX, AXP, AXJ, OJP, NAC-V, OJC, CGC,TDI, AG.N, TG-N, TN-N, PT, HCT, JHD, VCX+CH". So as you can see he was a very busy boy growing up. We are also proud of his Champion Children that live here at Belaire, they are...CH Belaire's Prodigy (Kirby), CH Belaire's What You Leave Behind (Breckon), CH Belaire's Town N'Country (Lainey) and soon to finish and our Specialty winner, Belaire's Little Bit Country (Lola). Not to mention those that do not live with us and or Performance Titlist. One very special boy is MACH Belaire's Circle Of Life (Shine) owned, trained and loved by Nancy Craig.
What a boy, what a life certainly to be celebrated for everything he has done, but mostly for the love he has given to Ken and I over the years. We love you "JJ" more then you will ever know.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
BTW...The little Corgi is "JJ's" special friend named Phoenix. "Fe-Fe" as we call her is 12 years young and has been with JJ as his friend and conpanion for years. It was only right she shared his cake with her!!
We hope everyone had a great Christmas, Ken and I certainly have and now all the visiting and partying starts!! Not really good for my dialysis treatments let me tell you.Over the holiday a good friend that I sold a puppy too a year or so ago, sent me a lovely picture of him. His owner is named James Simmons, from Rockton Illinois, They have been hit with a lot of snow, but in all of this of course the Shelties are in love with it. He named him "Chipper", he is the brother to the beautiful "Frankie" that Bob and Val Clemente is showing. Their mother is our Sarah and the father is a dog we once owned named Surfer. Although Jim is not liking the snow, who blames him, Chipper loves it!!!
Happy Holidays to you all this year!! I am hoping to have the best Holidays coming. This past year as you know if y0u read my blog., has been a very trying and hard year for me, not only with my health situation but other concerns for Ken's job. However we are trying to keep a stiff upper lip and keep moving along. Always hoping for the best. I want to Thank all of you that have been with me and gone through all this during the past year, I guess I could try and name you all, but it would be hard and I don't want to forget any friends and family that has been here for not only me, but Ken as well. So here is the BIG..."''THANK YOU""" from us both.
We did bring into our homw a lovely bi-black boy who is the half brother to our Degas...AM/CAN/UKD CH Wynstone The Impressionist. His name is Pierre or formally none as "Belaire's A Shot In The Dark" He is the son of CH Rosmoor Protocol ex Apple Acres Insatiable". What a character he is. He is so full of himself and everyone loves him as he licks everyones face. When we got him he was never on a lead, but the first time he was at a conformation class, he trucked around the ring like a pro. The instuctor was amazed at them and just though he was GREAT!! So, we'll see how it goes. We never know how puppies grow out but for now we love Pierre and could not be anymore pleased.
He was bred by Stacey and Matt Bruneaux in Connecticut and we co-own him with Stacey. Thanks goes to them for bringing up such a wonderful boy!!!!!(The picture is one of Pierre, waiting for Santa!!)
Well, all I can say is WOW!! In all my years I have never won at a Specialty, but on Sunday, Oct 5th or home bred girl "Belaire's Little Bit Country" (AM/Can CH Tar-ri Kylenes Country Pride VCX ex MacNel's Olympic Gold), went Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for a 5pt major Specialty win. When Cadie called me, my heart just stopped and I was in shock. Not shock cause I did not feel she could it, but the fact that is was never done before was just WONDERFUL!!!! I can remember Cadie telling me she was a Specials bitch and to be honest I was not sure but she was so right. The judge was Jo Virden who I was told after I entered her was an AOAC breeder and that is what she would pick, well I guess not. She told Cadie she loved her from the moment she walked in the ring. She is beautiful and so feminine. She will be coming home now for a coat change, but will be out in the early spring. I can not ever thank Cadie Pruss of Acadia Shelties enough for all she has done for the Belaire dogs. She is a wonderful handler and a great friend!!!
I am posting my favorite two pictures. Both are very different.